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About Trisha

Another Picture of Trisha

Trisha Taylor is a counselor, author, consultant and speaker based in Houston, TX.

Counseling is a key component of Trisha's ministry and she enjoys working with individuals, couples and families. She works to provide a safe place where people who are hurting or confused can find God's grace and wisdom.

Trisha is a co-author of The Leader's Journey:
Accepting the Call to Personal and Congregational Transformation, which challenges leaders to see their congregations as living systems and to respond to leadership challenges with emotional maturity, leading as Jesus did, from the inside out. She is available to lead workshops and seminars or to provide consultation and coaching to help individuals and teams find a new way of thinking and leading in the contemporary church.

Because Trisha is enthusiastic about helping couples establish happy,healthy relationships, she views premarital preparation and marriage education as essential to her ministry.

As both a minister and a counselor, Trisha holds a Texas state license as a professional counselor and is a fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. She graduated from Baylor University (Psychology, 1985) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Counseling, 1988). She has been married to Craig since 1985 and they have two adult children.


communication Mature couple still in love Working Together

Life can be hard. At best, it is sometimes complicated and confusing. We often react to life's difficulties by developing the symptoms of depression or anxiety or by getting stuck in ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that keep us from moving forward. The more we try, the more stuck we get. Our relationships may suffer. We may find that when it comes to our own problems, we are 'sitting too close to the screen' to see what is really happening in our lives or how to make it better. Counseling can help.

An important part of my ministry is to help ordinary people find healing for the broken places in their lives, work toward reconciliation in their relationships, and achieve healthy, productive ways of living their lives. It is my goal to help you live the life God has given you and to live it well.

You may be feeling depressed or anxious or stressed. You may be having relationship problems that just won't go away. You may be having problems at work or with your family. I have experience in helping people deal with a wide variety of issues. If I don't have the experience or expertise to help you with your particular needs, I will help connect you to someone who does.

Of course, not all counseling focuses only on the problems that someone is having. Sometimes it is more helpful to be proactive and preventive. You may want to improve your marriage or parenting skills. You may want to think through the direction your life is headed or want help making important decisions. You may have spiritual issues you'd like to work on. Counseling can help with these kinds of goals as well.

Leader's Journey

Image of Trisha's book

"To lead well, pastors must first focus on managing themselves rather than managing others and learn to think in a different way about how people in living systems affect each other. As pastors learn to manage themselves, they can lead more calmly in the midst of anxious times."

The Leader's Journey: Accepting the Call to Personal Congregational Transformation
a Leadership Network publication.

Jim Herrington, Robert Creech and I wrote The Leader's Journey to help pastors and other congregational leaders find more effective and Christ-like ways to lead by knowing and actually doing the right thing, even in the most difficult situations.

I would love to work with you, your staff, your leadership team or your congregation to apply the principles introduced in The Leader's Journey to your unique situation. I offer one-on-one coaching for ministers as well as a customized, interactive leadership development experience for you and your team.

Learning Change

Image of Trisha's 2nd book

"Jim, Trisha, and their team don't just talk transformation. Anchored in the gospel of Jesus Christ, nurtured in relational community, and sharpened by good thinking, they walk individuals and congregations through change."
- Dr. Chuck DeGroat, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Western Theological Seminary

Learning Change: Congregational Transformation Fueled by Personal Revewal

Learning Change is a field guide to personal and church renewal. It follows the experiential learning of a growing number of congregational leaders who are tackling the adaptive challenges facing the church by seeking God's dream for their lives, taking on new learning in new ways and telling their stories with authenticity and vulnerability. Each chapter offers training and information, stories of real-life experiences in churches and questions and suggestions for taking this information into a congregational context.

Frequently Asked Questions

I've never gone for counseling before. What should I expect?

I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy. Should I get counseling?

Where are you located?

How much do you charge?

Do you take insurance?

Do you have a sliding scale?

How do I make an appointment?

What are your credentials?


The Client Information Form

Client Information Form

Please read through the consent form carefully. We will review this document on your first visit.

Information and Consent Form